
You will be amazed at what the ore mountains have to offer. The adventure begins within our castle walls. With the Kammweg Erzgebirge / Vogtland leads a true hiking dream world directly through our castle park. On its paths, you get to experience the beautiful nature of the ore mountains.

If you prefer something more comfortable, you can approach the sights of the ore mountains in a different yet still exciting way. So you can go and "retract" in to the historical Showmills, visit the wood art factories in Seiffen or conquer Oberwiesenthal, the highest city in Germany.

Only a stone's throw away from Purschenstein, lies the neighboring Czech Republic and thus a unique cultural landscape. Also home to the delightful mining town Freiberg, with the " Terra mineralia ". The world's largest mineral exhibition host, which is considered to be a definite must-see.

For day trips we recommend the industrial city of Chemnitz , the modern Leipzig or the cultural Dresden. Eventually bringing the eventful day to an end back at Purschenstein.